Introducing the Ninjato, also known as Ninjaken or Shinobigatana, the favored weapon of the Shinobi in feudal Japan. Traditionally carried horizontally on the back around the waist height, this sword is prominently featured in the practice of modern Ninjutsu, as advocated by practitioners like Masaaki Hatsumi and Stephen K. Hayes. It has also become a staple in popular culture due to its unique design and history. You can find replicas of this revered weapon on display at the Ninja Museum of Igaryu, established in the mid-1960s, the Koka Ninja Village Museum in Kōka, Shiga, and at the Gifu Castle Archives Museum in Gifu Prefecture, Japan.
Our ninjato features a high manganese steel blade and a grey scabbard, an aesthetic that pairs both strength and subdued elegance. The handle is wrapped in a black cord and includes a black ray-skin wrap, ensuring a secure and comfortable grip. The tsuba, or handguard, carries a dragon motif, adding an extra layer of mystique to this extraordinary weapon.
Hand-forged to razor-sharp perfection, this full-tang, battle-ready weapon is a testament to the meticulous work of seasoned swordsmiths who have mastered a centuries-old technique. This katana samurai sword is more than just an impressive display piece; it's a fully functional, battle-ready weapon that reflects the power and skill of the shinobi it represents.
Sword: Ninjato
Material: Manganese Steel Blade
Length: 102 Centimeters /40 Inches
Tang: Full Tang
Sharpness: Razor Sharp
Bohi: No
Tsuba: Zinc
Rayskin: Black
Ito and Sageo: Black
Saya: hard wood,
*Stand not included